1/ CCTV installation on the premises and tapes retained for a period of 28 days for viewing purposes by the authorities and the police.
2/ Food hygiene and safety training of staff.
3/ Staff training related to fire safety and calling related services in case of emergency.
The prevention of crime and disorder
4/ Checking the worker’s right to work and keeping records of all documents.
5/ Allocating specific clean area without any obstructions to serve indoor customers.
6/ Providing bin for customers service area indoor for waste disposal.
Public safety
7/ Installation of CCTV both indoor and outdoor.
8/ Fire safety equipment will be available.
9/ First aid kit presence instore.
10/ Waste disposal company collects professionally.
The prevention of public nuisance
11/ Providing facility to book taxi from the takeaway.
12/ Adequate lighting outside the premises while operating.
13/ Doors and windows to be kept close during operational hours.
14/ Clear and legible notices displaying requesting patrons to leave the premises in an orderly manner.
15/ Noise levels should be regularly checked to prevent any nuisance to residents in the vicinity. Any complaint should be monitored and investigated and action taken where necessary.
The protection of children from harm
16/ Displaying exclusion to under 18 people after 23:00 hours.