Licensing objectives
Cube Desserts is primarily a Dessert Outlet that sell Cakes, Ice Cream Sundaes, Brownies etc.
However within their menu is a limited selection of hot food and drink e.g. Hot Desserts such as Sticky Toffee Pudding, Cakes, Crumbles, Waffles, and Pancakes. They also sell some hot drinks such as Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Hot Shakes.
The premises have indoor seating, but also offer takeaway and free deliveries within a two mile radius of the shop.
Consequently we would not describe this as a high risk premises with regards to the LA'03, and therefore a raft of conditions is proposed commensurate to that perceived risk.
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. CCTV will be provided in the form of a recordable system, capable of providing pictures of EVIDENTIAL QUALITY in all lighting conditions particularly regarding facial recognition.
Cameras shall encompass all ingress and egress to the premises, and areas to which the customers have access.
Equipment must be maintained in good working order, be correctly time and date stamped, recordings MUST be kept in date order, numbered sequentially and kept for a period of 31 days.
The Premises Licence Holder must ensure at all times a DPS or appointed member of staff is capable and competent at downloading CCTV footage in recordable media format, and able to produce it to a Police Officer and/or an authorised Local Authority/Council Trading Standards Officer on demand and in a viewable format.
The CCTV equipment shall be kept in a secure environment under the control of the DPS or other responsible named individual.
An operational weekly log report must be maintained endorsed by signature, indicating the system has been checked and is compliant, in the event of any failings actions taken are to be recorded.
In the event of technical failure of the CCTV equipment the Premises Licence holder/DPS must report the failure to the Police (on contact number ‘101’) and Council Licensing Department immediately.
Public safety
As per CCTV Condition.
The prevention of public nuisance
2. Prominent, clear and legible notices must be displayed at all exits requesting that customers respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and area quietly.
3. There shall be provided at or near the exit a waste bin to enable the disposal of waste food, food containers, wrappings etc.
4. The public area immediately surrounding the premises shall be cleared of waste food, food containers, wrapping etc. at the end of trading on each day. Such refuse shall be placed in a container designed for the storage and disposal of refuse and waste foods
The protection of children from harm
5. No person under the age of 16 shall be permitted to remain on the premises after 23:00hrs.